A little painTravel to...Travel to the mooon
While you sleep, a dream untangles.
There's no one else here, while we play with the starlight
The two of us together can definitely get back
the smile we forgot and become strong again.
Please realize
I'm here waiting for you
even if the future awaiting us is unlike today
I'm here waiting for you
and I keep on screaming
I'm sure my heart is tugging on the string that binds us,
so that the me back then will open her eyes
No need to cry.
Travel in silence
I'm sure I could touch you if I reached out
but you are far away so that must be in my head.
I can hear your voice, if I close my eyes
even this little pain is dear to me
Please look at me
I'm here waiting for you
even if I'm lost alone, blown upon the wind
I'm here waiting for you
gazing up at the sky
My heart will always open my hands to protect you,
until the you back then will turn and look at me
No need to cry
(feel something feel nothing
listen closely listen closely)
wide open ears
disarm the dream tickler
in the constant moment
(you will find me when it's quiet
listen closely listen closely)
let the blood flow
through all the spaces
of the universe
Please realize
I'm here waiting for you
even if the future awaiting us is unlike today
I'm here waiting for you
and I keep on screaming
I'm sure my heart is tugging on the string that binds us,
so that the me back then will open her eyes
No need to cry.
(listen closely listen closely)
(listen closely listen closely)
(listen closely listen closely)
Olivia - A little pain
No need to cry